Pass the ERA

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Or, establish Defense in Depth bunker lines like the Japanese did in Okinawa. In the Rockies, Sierras, Appalachians, Adirondacks

Man them, stock them with weapons and supplies, and hunker down for whats coming.

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This is great and long overdue but who does this exactly? Who provides the leadership?

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Personally, I’m trying to lobby the Progressive members of Congress to leave the Democrats and form a REAL opposition party they can lead THEMSELVES.

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We have 26 states that allow referendums, at least those states could vote this in!!

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Count me in!

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i dont want to "unite" with mississippi, or georgia, or texas, or florida, or any other red state.

i want them gone.

i want them separate.

we have -nothing- in common: i literally dont ever want to think of red state Maga america ever again.

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Would you mind if I "borrowed" these points to send to my representatives?

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Feel free!

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Love this but step one may be to save democracy. We may not have the ability to enact any of this if we can’t get this authoritarian coup out of the White House.

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Very good list. It's difficult not to look back and wonder why Biden refused to take on any of these big issues, especially around voting while he had the chance.

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I would add to this excellent list term limits in Congress. Term for House Representatives should be 4 years (not 2, which is too short and ensures all they do is campaign not legislate), limited to 2 terms. Senators should be limited to two terms of 6 years. Being in Congress should be a career but a service to the nation. Also, ban all paid lobbyists!

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Add a program of deMAGAfication, the same way the allies de-nazified the Germans after WW2.

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I see why Trump called Zelensky a dictator. It was to get it out in the open that elections aren’t appropriate when there is a war/martial law. It shows his hand for 2028 doesn’t it?

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Nice framework of progressive goals; next steps are strategic and achievable objectives to be developed that can be translated into specific policy and legislation by 2028. Is there a well-funded think tank to take this on?

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This sounds like a distant utopia , but let’s get to work

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Term limits or age limits for all three branches of government.

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Love it, always age limits on the young and reckless, never on the old and reckless!

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This is an emergency call to all the citizens of the United States of America.

This is a WWII poster. It Represents a time when America was a great country because it came to the aid of our allies when they need us the most to help them defend their democracy. Young men and women were sent off to a foreign nation. A vast number of them never returned. They never had the opportunity to grow up and take advantage of all that this great nation has to offer. They sacrificed their lives to protect our nation and our way of life, we owe them. During WWII we at home also made tremendous sacrifices to support our lifestyle and each other. We worked together.

Why are Veterans all across this nation not getting together to support we the people in defending this nation from this small group of people bent on destroying our government. I will ask the same question of all the young people across this nation. Why are they remaining silent on campus? What is happening is going to affect them more than their parents and grandparents in the future. Now, not later is the time to speak up while you still have the chance to. There are over 270 million eligible voters in the United States. At this moment in time, we have a so called President DT and a group of unqualified minions (a very small group) destroying our government piece by piece. We see the damage being done daily. The decisions this group is making is hurting a lot of innocent people. This group tells you it is in this nation’s best interest. Eliminating large groups of government workers who have been responsible for protecting this nation and its people is not in the best interest of we the people. If over 270 million people are willing to stand by and not stand up for each other and let this destruction continue every person in this nation will pay a terrible price for freedom loss. Act now to stop this insanity before it is too late. This is not a Republican or Democrat or independent issue; it is a question of survival. I am disappointed that the media outlets are not more concerned about what they are seeing and hearing and then telling we the people need to take action

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