Formerly Project 2029, this is our generation’s Rendezvous with Destiny. Rise to the moment or join the ranks of cowards living in fear of a tyrant.
These United States of America are in crisis. The forces of greed, authoritarianism, and division have spent decades dismantling democracy, hoarding wealth, and stripping people of their rights. Project 2025 is their blueprint for permanent minority rule. We exist here and now to burn it to the ground.
We are done begging for justice. We will not wait for the powerful to grant us dignity. We will seize our future; through the ballot, through the streets, through mass mobilization that makes this nation ungovernable until the people’s demands are met.
This is Battle Plan 2025, a progressive plan to Re-Unite the States of America. A call to arms for those who refuse to surrender to corruption, corporate control, and the slow death of democracy. This is not a wish list, it is a declaration of what must be done.
The Four Battle Plan 2025
The rich and powerful have rigged the system away from the many to themselves. We will dismantle their stranglehold and return power to the people.
• Eliminate Citizens United. End corporate rule over our elections. Money is not speech. Corporations are not people.
• End the Electoral College. One person, one vote: no more minority rule.
• Ban Gerrymandering. Politicians should not choose their voters.
• Pass a New Voting Rights Act. Universal access to the ballot from anywhere in the country, automatic voter registration, and an end to voter suppression.
• Expand the Supreme Court. The right-wing takeover of the judiciary must be recognized so it can be undone.
• Enact SCOTUS Term Limits and an Ethics Code. No more lifetime rule for unelected judges, and no more tips, trips, or drips.
• Remove Presidential Immunity. No one is above the law.
• Reinstate an improved Fairness Doctrine. Hold the media accountable to truth by requiring both sides to be covered with equal time, and accurately to that sides own satisfaction, not just one sided propaganda when reporting on political news.
We reject an economy where billionaires thrive while workers can’t afford breakfast or rent, much less both. We demand a system that works for the many, not the few.
• Double the Minimum Wage. No full-time worker should live in poverty.
• Ban “Right-to-Work” Laws. Strengthen unions, strengthen workers.
• Break Up Corporate Monopolies. No more unchecked power for tech giants, oil barons, or Wall Street predators.
• Tax Mega Churches. If they act like political organizations, they can pay taxes like one.
• Medicare for All. Healthcare is a right for us all, not a privilege for the rich.
• Make the Ultra-Rich Pay. Higher taxes on all forms of billionaire wealth, Wall Street transactions, and corporations that exploit workers.
• 40 Acres and a Mule. This country WILL answer for its past, so we can ALL finally move forward together.
No more compromises. No more half-measures. We fight for full equality, not incremental scraps.
• Protect Women’s Healthcare Rights. Abortion is healthcare. End the assault on bodily autonomy.
• Pass a Marriage Equality Amendment. LGBTQ+ rights should never be left to the courts or politicians.
• End Mass Incarceration by Banning Slavery. Abolish for-profit prisons, end cash bail, and dismantle the racist prison-industrial complex by banning slavery once and for ALL.
• Ban Assault Weapons. No more mass shootings. Period.
There is no economy, no justice, no future without a livable planet. The climate crisis is here, now, and only radical action will stop it.
• End Fossil Fuel Dependence. Phase out oil, coal, and gas before they phase out humanity.
• Invest in Green Infrastructure. Public transit, clean energy, and climate jobs for all.
• Hold Polluters Accountable. No more corporate immunity, make big oil pay for ALL the damage they’ve done.
• Declare a Climate Emergency. This is a war for our survival, and we must fight like it.
Beyond Policy: A Movement for Action
This is not just a list of demands. This is a blueprint for revolution.
We cannot rely on politicians to save us. We must force their hand.
We call for:
• Mass Protests that do not fade after a single march.
• Strikes to shut down industries that exploit workers.
• Boycotts of corporations funding the destruction of democracy.
• Direct Action to disrupt the machinery of injustice.
2028: The Year We Take Power
We refuse to let 2028 be another election where the powerful decide our fate. We will set the agenda. We must be too loud, too organized, and too relentless to ignore.
This is the fight of our generation. The battle for democracy, justice, and survival itself. If we lose, we lose everything.
If we win? We reclaim the future.
Battle Plan 2025 has arrived.
2/24/25 *EDIT* This article was formerly title “PROJECT 2029: A PLAN TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”. It has been updated with a new title to reflect feedback on the urgency of NOW and refusing to wait. Let’s get started!
People are missing the biggest piece in all of this, and it's been there for decades. The Heritage Foundation created their first Mandate For Leadership in 1981 just in time for Reagan's presidency. They are pushed as being "just" a "think tank" with "suggestions" but fail to realize just how much power they hold over conservative presidencies. In trump's whitehouse, they've had some who left the Heritage Foundation to JOIN his Administration.
They're the puppetmasters. They're directing foreign policy.
They're DIRECTING Project2025's implementation.
DOGE was the hammer to force their agenda, and Elon gets a perk for his businesses.
Don't overlook Elon's connection to Heritage. He followed their suggestions after he bought Twitter.
Also, require paper ballots in all districts for all elections. No computers ever. Computers can be hacked.